Thursday, January 26, 2012


Hello lovelies!! Well, here I am starting up my very first blog. I know that it's really not a big deal in the big scheme of things, but to me, this is quite a step towards pursuing one of the God given passions of my heart which is: WRITING!! I'm very excited about this. I hope you guys enjoy my ramblings. I plan to use this tool to perfect my writing skills for the glory of God! Speaking of rambling, I need to stop doing that and get to the point!

I would like to, first of all, explain the title of my blog, what it means and why I chose it. So, as many of you know, my name is Perla, which means "pearl" in Spanish. Well, most people think that's a "beautiful" name and always compliment me on it. However, I HATED it to the utmost degree, most of my life. They made fun of me at school about it, and furthermore, in Spanish it sounds perilously close to the word for female dog which is "perra". So I have always been self-conscious of it. That is UNTIL...until Jesus told me why He had given me that name, and yes HE is the one who named me that.

I was at my friend's house and I was talking about how I've been through some intense adversity in my life and my friend Justin asked, "you know how pearl's are made right?" And I looked at him with a deer in the headlights look and said, "" So he proceeded to explain to me how they were made. My heart was pierced. God spoke directly to my soul through my friend. He told me how the pearl is literally the result of the oyster turning adversity into something valuable & beautiful. It was as if God was saying to me, "yes my love, you have gone through alot of tough things, but that's what has, and is making you into such a beautiful, precious, one of a kind pearl of GREAT price to me!!" From that day on, God has taken me on this AMAZING, GLORIOUS, EXTRAVAGANT journey of discovering what it REALLY means to be God's Pearl of GREAT price. The very fact that I'm starting this blog is a testament of how far I've come in that revelation, oh but I haven't even BEGUN to scratch the surface of discovering who I really am in Jesus. Well, this is my way of archiving this journey and hopefully it will help YOU to discover who YOU are, who HE is and what this life is all about!!

My desire is that you all discover what Jesus did for you and realize you are HIS treasure, only to discover that HE is OUR Pearl of great price, and why it's only LOGICAL to let go of all that we have and pursue this GREAT treasure! This is the divine romance...we love Him because He first loved us!!

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."--Matthew 13:45-46

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